Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pixel Softie

American as apple pie...cept its got a worm

Pixel Car
(really small squares)
NMIT art gallery panorama


Baby of Eloise and Roni...hmmmm

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Who am I??

Well thats a toughie....I honestly cant see the forest for the trees!...........

Ok.....I am a 30 something, and mother of two amazing girls who is very passionate about life.

Need more?!..........Alrighty......I love animals, especially birds including chooks, ducks and geese, and also goats. I own a burmese cat called Minavera (or the "very bad" when she is being cute) and a Maltese Shiztu terrier called Coco Chanel (or Coco-nut which more truly reflects her personality).

And how about some lowdown on my daughters: Leyla (Licky Leyla Lou) is 19 years old, is studying Architecture at Deakin Uni, and working at Crown Casino as a Gaming host. A good job for her I say as she is quite the authoritarian, I always teese that she would make a great police officer. Michaela (Pinky (Stinky Dinky)) is 9 years old.....Yes! I know! heard it a thousand times!...big gap grade four, trains after school in gymnastics and cheerleading. Pinky is (in my eyes) an old soul and a philanthropist and I am constanly amazed by her capabilities, she will go far in her life and always do well, I know it. You will never meet two sisters so close to each other and so totaly different from each other.....(see pic below)

Ok on a roll now......Stay tuned for the next post!